Terms and Conditions


Standard Terms and Conditions (T&C) for orders placed on genomicfashion.com, genomic.store, and on the profile of Genomic Fashion on Opensea.com. The address of the profile Genomic Fashion on Opensea.com is: https://opensea.io/Genomic_Fashion
Below we would like to inform you of our standard terms and conditions which govern how we process and settle your purchases. The website www.genomic.store offers Genomic Fashion physical products for sale.
The site genomicfashion.com is a site mainly for communication, with designers, Products of the „Were your NFT“ collection, and Genomic Fashion’s Club.

1. Formation of the contract and delivery of goods

1.1 Orders are made by purchasing an NFT box in the „Weare Your NFT“ collection at www.opensea.com/genomic_fashion. Your contract is with MEDICOF, s.r.o., Kátovská 25, 90851 Holíč, Slovakia, Europa ID: 50625616, VAT: 2120405155 as the provider of the production and shipment of physical Genomic Fashion products. Any successor to these services will be listed in the new version of these terms and assumes all obligations arising from these terms. 

1.2 Orders from the collection are processed through communication between the client and the designer. The designer will confirm the order by registering a new client to the Genomic Fashion Club and save it as a message to the client’s club profile.

2 Production and delivery
2.1 The product is entered into production within 24 hours of ordering.
2.2 Products are manufactured exclusively to order
2.3. The exception to custom production is one-piece NFT originals presented as ready-made pieces without the possibility of modification.
2.4. The client is regularly informed about the production process. Production time is from 5 to 30 days.
2.5 The shipment is made after a thorough inspection and photo documentation of the manufactured piece. Photo documentation is uploaded to the unlockable content of product NFT.
2.6. Each shipment is insured up to the value of NFT. If the NFT value is higher than the shipment can be insured with the carrier, the shipment will be insured up to the maximum value of the goods. In this case, the customer will be informed in advance.
2.7 In case of damage to the shipment, proceed according to the complaints procedure

3. Genomic Fashion Club
3.1 Genomic Fashion Club is a club of Genomic Fashion customers.
3.2 Membership in the Genomic Fashion club is conditional upon the purchase of the Genomic Fashion product through Opensea.com.
3.3 Ownership of a Genomic Fashion NFT box for any Genomic Fashion product is a confirmation of club membership and entitlement to registration.
3.4 A member of the club is entitled to use the special conditions of current and future purchases, which are written in the specific series of NFT boxes for the given product.
3.5 Genomic Fashion reserves the right to provide additional benefits and bonuses to members of a given product series.

3.6 Definition of terms of product value
3.6.1 Product price current product price in any currency or Cryptocurrency
3.6.2 Product value: the calculated price of a given product or service, currently or in the future
3.6.3 Price guarantee: The price of the product in the future, which can be multiplied by a maximum of the inflation coefficient in the Slovak Republic for the given period that is being compared.

4.1 By ordering a Box from the „Wear Your NFT“ collection, the Client grants Genomic Fashion the right to create a selected physical product with the motif of its own NFT exclusively in the number of pieces NFT boxes ordered.
4.2 By ordering a Box from the „Wear Your NFT“ collection, the Client grants Genomic Fashion the rights to create one NFT with a 3D representation of the physical product. After creation, this NFT will be transferred to the client for free in his Crypto wallet.
4.3 By ordering a Box from the „Wear Your NFT“ collection, the Client grants Genomic Fashion the right to create one NFT in the form of a Genomic Fashion trading card, on which there will be public or hidden product data of the physical product (size, type, material…), production data ( order date, production date…), Marketing data (hashtags, web…) links to the NFT product and its image. The card will not contain any personal data of the client. The client can request the inclusion of personal data on the trading card, including the address of his crypto-wallet, through communication with Genomic Fashion Club, thereby granting consent to use this data.
Genomic Fashion undertakes to inform the client about creating the Genomic Fashion NFT trading card through the communication channels listed in the Genomic Fashion Club and to provide the client with a pre-purchase link for this NFT for a period of at least 72 hours.
4.4 Genomic Fashion undertakes to offer the client a pre-emptive right to Genomic Fashion trading card of his Physical Product at a maximum price of 6 USD at the time of issue of this NFT.
5 Creator commissions
5.1 Genomic Fashion reserves the right to set commissions of the NFT creator on the created NFT of the product:
NFT of product 2.22%
Trading card NFT max. 6.66%

Skalica, 28. Februar 2023